Today is my birthday.
Normally I like to lay low this day every year - any time I've tried to have some sort of fun-tastic time it has gone down the drain. NOT THIS YEAR! My fool-proof plan has arrived: A day with my sweetheart, just him & me.
The 14th started out absolutely perfect! The darling, dear, and sweet love of my life sent me this little diddy of a text:
Meaning, I got to doze off dreaming of my one love, and wake up to find him in my arms! Well, not until 12:30pm at least. But still! In my arms is a lot better than out of them, or in Utah.
Honestly, that could have been it and my day would have been picture-perfect. But my hubby-to-be insisted on taking me out to dinner. Olive Garden it was! Yummy pasta, free bread & salad, and a drink that will knock your socks off it's so delicious!!
Seriously though. Today was one of the best days of my life. And really, I owe it all to the Mr.&Mrs. that created this silly boy:
If it weren't for their birthday gift of sending him to be with me, I don't know if I would have done much of anything at all. But I get sweet kisses and hugs from my sweet fiance.
I couldn't be happier.