The Mr. and I consider ourselves to be incredibly lucky. We are blessed with families that love and support us completely and are incredibly excited to welcome our precious little babe to the world.
As one could expect, it's been a crazy 9 months. But not as crazy as I would have initially expected. I've been blessed to have a complication free pregnancy!
Here are some of the highlights:
First Trimester (weeks 1 - 12)
- Our first ultrasound was probably one of the most special experiences of my life thus far. Not only did we get to see our little bundle of joy for the first time, but we got to do it on Valentines Day!! I'm pretty sure a girl can't get a better present than that!While most people are trapped with those morning-sickness blues, I was of the rare percent that missed it almost entirely! Sure I had some nausea, but that's about as far as it went! I most certainly wasn't controlled by it. For that reason alone I consider myself to be incredibly lucky!
- One the down side, I ended up having to get a root canal basically the second we found out I was pregnant. Which meant I got nothing to help relieve the pain - talk about ouch!!
- And perhaps the saddest part of my first trimester was our inevitable move from Southern California back "home." After living somewhere for five years and finding the most amazing job ever, the move was almost devastating. It was so sad to leave my friends and colleagues, but it was so exciting to turn the page to a new chapter and live in a place surrounded by family.
Second Trimester (weeks 13 - 27)
- This trimester was fun. Any hint of morning sickness I did have was utterly washed away and I went from teeny-tiny flat-bellied me to what I thought was crazy gigantic!
- We got our "big" ultrasound that informed us that our precious little baby was 99% positively a girl! From there oodles of shopping and crafting began. It's basically impossible to walk past a baby aisle or into a baby store without melting over the cute little outfits!
- I felt movement for the first time . . . and I don't care what anyone says - it does NOT feel like butterflies. It feels like someone is kicking you - hard - from the inside out haha
- We took a trip back east for a family reunion. The plane rides were something else with the swelling and bathroom breaks, but it was so much fun and so worth it to see all my extended family . . . even if I wasn't allowed to wakeboard, kneeboard, or go tubing!
- Eventually I did really pop to basically my full-term size and learned the painful world of heartburn
Third Trimester (weeks 28 - 40)
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Exactly 1 month till the due date |
- More swelling
- More bathroom breaks
- More difficulty breathing
- More heartburn
- More trouble sleeping
- More contractions
- More kicks . . . harder kicks
- But it all prepares you for labor, delivery, and post-partum life! Plus my crazy monthly weight gain tapered off completely and I've still yet to get stretch marks!! Lucky, lucky, lucky.
- Best part of the third trimester - her hiccups. My Mr. gets so excited and giddy when she gets hiccups . . . which of course makes me beyond happy.
It's crazy how much you bond and how much closer you grow as a couple during this gestation period. Knowing you're soon going to be responsible for human life -- that you have created and are bringing into this world a tiny little person with wants, needs, emotions, and who is entirely dependent on you for survival is truly amazing. The fact that your body can combine random gametes and turn these little cells into a living, breathing human being is breathtaking.
As scary and crazy as all of this is . . . and as much as I really don't want to have to give birth . . . I am incredibly excited. It's going to be so fun to see her face and hear her voice! With 2.5 weeks left, she could come any day now. We have the nursery set up, the hospital bags packed, and are just waiting for the "time."
Knowing how terrible I am at blogging, you probably won't hear from me again until our little one is here with us. But I'm beyond excited to show her off! And hopefully her presence and my 6+ month leave of working will be enough motivation to get the weekly blogging habit engrained into me :)
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