As previously posted, I spent the last four days in Utah with my Mr. To-Be. This past Sunday, like the rest of my trip, was entirely magical! I woke up and got ready for church as usual, but the surprise came when the fiance called telling me he was there and to grab an umbrella because it was

Oh my good golly goodness! That just about made my day! I love the snow and being a California girl, never get to see it. It was like we got to celebrate Christmas all over again . . . well, sort of :)

The entire walk and drive to church I was just elated - definitely mesmerized by how beautiful everything was! It's crazy how perfect and peaceful everything seems when it's covered with sparkly blankets of white snow. I was obsessed with taking pictures every step of the way. Especially on the way back, because we weren't rushing to be anywhere. And that's where I snapped this picture. I'm pretty sure it's my new favorite :)
Then of course I got him to take one of me. I feel like I'm in the snowy forest in Narnia, right when you cross through the wardrobe. I know, I know - I'm a total geek. But the Chronicles of Narnia is such an amazing series! You can deny it if you want, but you know it's true.

Then when we headed back to the car, prince charming opened the door for me so I could get nice and warm while he got all the snow off. Oh golly, I just love when my man does manly things. It makes me feel like such a lady. Especially when I get to be all dressed up too :)

We spent the remainder of our day at the future sister-in-law's house with her darling little family, watching Disney movies, taking naps, and having a delicious homemade dinner.
I don't have pictures of it, but we ended the night playing speed scrabble and scattegories. I will gladly announce that I placed second in speed scrabble! That's the best I've ever done - everyone was so surprised, including me! Then scrattegories was just hilarious, as usual. And we found out that a certain someone was being sneaky with their points! Oh well, games are games - and it just leaves us with happy memories.
I hope everyone had a Sunday as lovely as ours! Unfortunately we don't get to spend too many together. But that will all be changing soon :)
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