So I realize, I'm only good at blogging when Dom is around, or when I'm around him I suppose. Life is just so much more exciting and enjoyable when he is close.

But anyway! I'm back to post about my weekend. Last night I got home from visiting my sweetheart for the last time. Can you believe it?! The LAST TIME. I will never have to fly out of state or drive hundreds of miles to see him ever again! The thought of it is so unreal. We've spent so long apart that I can't believe it has finally come to an end. But it has! It really, really has!

Flying out to see him was wonderful. It always is. Especially when it lines up with General Conference. Although the weekend is exhausting and busy. I love getting to spend those hours with him growing closer together through the Lord.

We woke up early Saturday morning, put on our Sunday best, and headed off to Salt Lake City to hear the Lord's Anointed speak. Darling Dom picked me up right around 8AM and we headed out! Well, with a little stop at target along the way. I guess the problem with last minute packing is that you forget things. Lots of things. Like shirts! Oh well, it all worked out.

Well - Lucky us, we got to sleep in a little more this year than usual because we already had tickets for Saturday AM. Rather than waiting out and holding up signs trying to look cute and ticket-worthy, we got there, parked our car and walked the short distance from the parking structure to temple square. On the way one of the greatest things happened! A photographer snapped our picture mid-stride! Ok, you need the story now:
Once upon a time, in a place far far away (Salt Lake), there existed General Conference. The bi-annual event was always littered with reporters, photographers, journalists - you name it! And little Megan Mc always wanted to be a part of the action! She hoped so badly someone would take her picture or ask her for an interview. Why? She didn't really understand...but she did know she wanted it! She wanted the potential to be in or on the Ensign Magazine.

Ah-hem. I can now
proudly say . . . my picture was taken! Well, it was our picture. And the best part about it? I made a conscious decision that day to not seek after the photographers. CHA-CHING!
Anyway! Enough with my silly nonsense. We got into the first session, which was amazing and decided to sit the second one out. We made plans to have our lunch pic-nic style on one of the grassy areas in Temple Square and listen to the Conference.
All in all, it was quite nice.

So much more happened that weekend. But it's really mostly silly things that darling dearest and I did. So I'll spare you the boring stories.
Oh man. I never thought I'd say it, but I'm going to miss the trips to visit each other. I'm definitely going to miss Utah. At first I never thought I'd like it. But that state has become pretty dear to me. Not to mention that it is one of the most beautiful places I've ever been.
Now of course I saved the best for last. We took tons of pictures last year. And we tried our best this time! Buuuut . . . They just didn't turn out as good. I think we were too busy being in love this time to worry about being cute! Hah :)
Love. Love. LOVE.
Doesn't this picture just scream Fire Breathing Dragon?! |
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